Email Voting in 2016

We live in a world of convenience and speed, but the Presidential voting process hasn’t followed suit.  Many voting machines could be considered antiques, and most polling locations are run by election officials who don’t get enough practice on the job because real life situations only come up once every four years.  We’ve discovered that many Americans think that email voting in elections would be the best way to solve these issues.

While there are some instances in which citizens can vote for the president online in 2016, email voting is still not an option.  The concept is simple, people could vote by email by sending a message to a specific address with their candidate selection.  The actual implementation and execution would be a security nightmare for the US Government, so it doesn’t seem likely that email voting will ever be an option in Presidential Elections.

If voting by email is not an option in elections, then how can people vote from home?  The obvious solution would be to create a website where people can vote for the President online, in a secure environment that accurately counts all ballots.  Despite trusting every other important element of our lives to the internet – banking, health records, personal information – voting for the President online for the 2016 election will not be a widely available option.

Due to long lines and complicated voting machines, many support the idea of an easier voting process in Presidential elections.  The effects of an easier voting process would include shorter wait times, easier to understand ballots and higher voter turnout on election day.  While these effects sound like benefits to most Americans, the change in voting process could have a negative outcome for some of the nations most powerful individuals.

While email voting may be too simplistic, being able to vote for President online in 2016 shouldn’t be beyond our technological capabilities.  There are many political groups that have began to push for electronic voting online, and digital election ballots – but it’s unlikely that we will see them for another four years.  Instead, you can Hillary Clinton online in our mock poll today!

You can take part in our mock online Presidential Poll too!  You can vote online for the candidate of your choice and see who is winning the election right now according to our site visitors.  This isn’t just a poll for register voters, anyone can cast their ballot online now – and it’s more fun than email voting too!